Monday, December 10, 2007

Carmel Apples!!

Horry!! It's that time of year! Mom's making her carmel apples!! Yum! Every year my mom and her friends make some carmel apples and pretzels they are soooo good! She has every kind you can think of! I can't even choose a favorite!! Thanks mom!


Krista said...

I'm so bummed I'm missing out on the pretzels and apples this year! I'm gonna have to start a dippin party of my own!

Spin said...

thanks to your mom for letting us destroy the kitchen while making the pretzels and apples yesterday and way to go on your blog!!!
Also, I love the Grinch too!

amberjulieann said...

AH you have a blog too! That's good. I like it. I like the Grinch pictures. I'm excited to see what you write. Speaking of which, I should probably update mine...