Oh my........ I'm pretty darn excided for 8th grade....... I've made terrific friends this year and I just can't wait to get closer with them over the summer and all next year. Thanks for helping me get through this year guys, I love you. [=
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
i like your friends.
gosh sadie. no mention of your bestie bestie bestie bestie in there...hey you hung out with me too this year!
Logan toooooo lol we need to hang out ok haylee and sadie and Brady and Ryan
ew not brady...hes mean! lol. yes sadie and me and logan and ryan but im going to have to consider brady...
Looks like your all having Fun. Have a great summer. Happy-Happy Love, Aunt Sandy
i say brady comes!!!!!!
Aw peaches! It just makes me so happy that you have good friends right now. I was a loner in 8th grade. It's because you have me and shauna to show you how it's NOT done. Ha ha. I'm so glad that you are such a sweetheart. People like nice people, you can never go wrong when you are confident AND nice.
ya just leave me out! its ok i dont have to come! i dont care! i dont care at all!!!.................................................................................sorta
o sage u can come 2 [=
I can't believe how old you are getting! Now I feel like an old man! Have fun in 8th grade, hope to be able to see you soon!
lol YAY
I say Brady comes to
i say brady comes too
whatever. i guess my mind has been made up for me. idk brady just doesn't really like me...
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