“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
Sunday, June 29, 2008
We saw wall e yesterday, and I thought it was soooooooo cute!!!!! They just made him the cutest little character ever!!! ahhhhh I just loved it. He was SO cute!! [: [: [:
Walle- huh? Glad you had fun. In our day, we had R2D2, & CPO? from star wars.
I heard it was great and we plan on taking Morgan to her first movie since she is wearing big girl pants now! Yeah for Wall-E.
glad you liked it and glad i didn't have to go.
It looks way good Sadie! I am totally stoked to see it!
I SAW IT YESTERDAY! ITS SO CUTE! i really liked it!
Hey Sadie!
I want you to add my blog to your list!
IT'S- lalaqtpants.blogspot.com
love ya babe check it out and ya! love-lauren h.
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