Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Okay, I went and saw Batman yesterday... I LOVED IT!!!!! It was soooooooooo brilliant!!!!! The Joker was PERFECT for his part!!!!!AHHHHHHHH it is currently my FAVORITE movie. I LOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!! If you havent seen it yet GO SEE IT! If you want someone to go with... Im here!! I wouild LOVE to see it over and over and over! It was AWESOME!


Krista said...

ooh! i can't wait to see it! I probably wont be able to until next week.

haylee ann (: said...

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!!! I WANNA GO! we should go see it!!!

call me! and plus about lake powell!

sandyseashells said...

Glad to here you had fun. Was "Cat Woman" in it?


Me and Sadie are going, you should go Haylee

Gaylene said...

it looks way cool and sounds cool to lol

Ali said...

lets go sadie!!!!!