Monday, September 15, 2008

10 Things

I decided to list 10 things I'm excited for (:

1. Volley ball this Saturday!!

2. Possibly playing with Karli this weekend

3. Watching The Lion King in French.

4. Seeing house bunny

5. Writing my memoir

6. Being with my friends.

7. Seeing Krista, Ryan, and Sid again.

8. Gym

9. The new Harry Potter!!

10. TWILIGHT!!!!!!!


Pedaling said...

it's good to be excited about something every day....but let me tell you right now;
you will NOT be seeing house bunny...i heard it was very inappropriate and not something a girl like you or me should be watching!

Ali said...

You're writing a memoir? You're only 13. I totally want to see House Bunny!!

sandyseashells said...

Good luck on Volleyball.
What is your "house bunny"?
And Lion King in French? Take notes and pick out words. It's a word at a time, that we learn language.

Jen said...

Yay volleyball. What a fun sport to play.

Krista said...

ya, maybe skip the house bunny for that new chihuaha movie

Ted said...

ooh la la. ca serait formidable a voir Le Lion King. Bonne chance et je t'aime ma petite.

Anonymous said...

don't listen to krista.

I will die before I see the chihuaha movie.

Spin said...

ok i just have to chime in here. love the volleyball idea but there is no way in you know what that you should see house bunny. it is a ridiculously bad film on so many levels

Lulu said...


Lulu said...

If Mom says no, it is NO!