Last night me and my friend Macy had a sleepover. It was probably the funnest sleepover I've had in a while. Macy is so fun to be with and I'm so crazy around her, pretty much 100% myself! First off, we were reading magazines and doing all the quizzes and stuff, we eventually got hyper and started hitting each other with pillows [Yeah we had a pillow fight] Then we started blasting music and dancing around! We got all dressed up and it was really fun! Then we found a CD from back from 2003 and started listening to it. It was fun to hear what we used to listen to, there were so many songs we had forgotten about but still loved! It was about 11:00 and we started a tea party while listening to our 2003 music. Our 'tea' was sierra mist, and we also had some finger peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Then we found Baylee's video recorder, and started playing with that! [With her permission of course..] We filmed us dancing, we filmed us outside, we filmed us being ninjas, we filmed us sword fighting... it was fun. Then we come back inside, listening to some more 2003 music and started doing our hair and makeup! You cant really tell in the picture above, but we looked like barbies!! Our hair was up, we had blue eyeshadow, and glitter everywhere!! It was pretty late afterwards so we decided to settle down and watch some movies, we wiped off our makeup and brushed our teeth and watched 13 going on 30. Great movie! After that, we were still awake so we watched Win A Date With Tad Hamilton, during that we fell asleep. When we woke up we went downstairs to my room and I crimped Macys hair, she looked so cute! Then we made eggs and toast and watched some spongebob! I had lots of fun.(:
it's always good tohave 1 friend you can be your total self around. she must be a keeper
i've always loved macy!
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