Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pet peeves...

Do you have a pet peeve? I sure do! Some of mine are

1. Copying!!! AHHHH I hate it when people copy me! I know its supposed to be a "complement" but I like being original! DO NOT COPY ME. I wont like you very much if you do (:

2. Overexcited moms. At volly-ball, there is this mom that really gets me aggravated... she comes to all the practices and while were just practicing hitting the ball, she joins in! (shes not very good.....) and in our practice games she yells at us! she goes "Ohhh that was weak!!" or "You could have got that!" or "Oh my girls...!" I mean we have all just started! she doesnt need to yell!

3. When people touch my stuff. I hate it at school when someone just grabs my bag and starts looking through it! I hate it! Or when people take my phone and look at my picture! I mean if you ask I will let you but dont just take it!

Well theres mine... what are your pet peeves?


Ali said...

Hi, you probably hate me right now, but some of my pet peeves are...when people chew with their mouth open, when people don't spell the actual word when texting, instead they use "u, or no(know) or omg" and that really bugs me.

sandyseashells said...

Those are all understandable pet-peeves! (That mother needs to go join her own volleyball team at the Y or something.) And it's RUDE to just grab peoples stuff.
One of my pet-peeves is unfriendly people, when you smile at them, or say, have a good day, etc. they just grunt at you, like their face might crack, if they smile. Poor things.

Jen said...

I hear ya sista! All those things would drive me up a wall. And yes, unfriendly people (aunt sandy's peeve) especially at 7-11 are no fun.

Lulu said...

Pet peeve?
I suppose one of my pet peeves is rude manners of some drivers on the expressway.

Often poor drivers on the expressway prevent me from changing lanes when it is my turn.

Another pet peeve is people in resturants or theatres who talk loud.

Anonymous said...

oohh i agree with the resturant and movie one
that drives me crazy


Pedaling said...

people taking my stuff, big pet peeve-
yes people that cant find in in themselves to smile
finding lights left on, another thing that bugs
oh, and skinny people who don't exercise and can eat anything!!!

Ellyse V. Girod said...

Mine is crumbs in the bed, man, eat those cookies somewhere else! and yes the bathroom light left on... even when i'm at friends houses if I can see the light peeking through I've got to get up and take care of it. Oh and stains on my shirts, although its generally my fault, well really all my fault it drives me just mad.

Jen said...

Oh I forgot my biggest pet peeve, mom's who are much younger than me but have older kids than I do giving me parenting advice. I just smile then come home and gripe to Dan. Trust me girl, your kids are just as obnoxious!

Logan said...

i think people copy you because your awesome!!! :)but i still see what you meen