Monday, November 10, 2008

Cute quote!

If you live to be 100
I hope to be
100 minus 1 day
So I never have to
Live without you
-Whinnie The Pooh (:


Ali said...

Awe, that is so cute Sade!

sweet older sister said...

Thank you for that quote, the timing is perfect as it gave me a warm happy feeling just when I needed it!
Love Aunt Ronna

Lulu said...


I had to read it several times before I understood what was said.

Guess I'm getting old.

Gram said...

That is a great quote that does express true LOVE.

Anonymous said...

hey where did your band blog go???

Jen said...

Cute quote is right!

Logan said...

AWWWW i love Pooh bear