Saturday, January 19, 2008

American Idol!

American Idol started again!!! yay!! My favorite show!! If any of you have been watching you probably remember Ranaldo Lapuz the one who wrote his own song for simon "We are brothers forever" He was so funny!! Surprisingly he wasnt as bad as i expected!!! he didnt make it tho. (sorry i tried 2 uplod his video but it didnt work look him up on youtube!)


Lulu said...

You'll have to tell me what's going on.

Krista said...

i just watched it on you tube. Very funny!! I like how they all got into it.

Gram said...

I missed Amer.Idol. I guess I better get with it. I would like to put a video on blog too. Get your Mom or (Krista) to give you a written step by step procedure to do so and then don't forget to pass it on to me.

Jen said...

American Idol cracks me up. I'm not a diehard fan once it gets going because I kinda like watching the freak show for the auditions. Often I can't tell if people are really that sincere and clueless or they are just acting like weirdos. Then there is Paula Abdul who I actually like. She tries so hard to be so nice and creatively dishes her feedback with a lot of politeness. I could learn a lot from that alone.