Saturday, January 5, 2008

I believe

I just wanted everyone to know I really believe in Christ and his church, I know not to swear not to dress unmodestly, I just learned to think before I do something, what if Christ were here. If Christ were here would you listen to the same music? Would you say the same things?? I know I would be alot different. So just to let you all know i believe, i honestly believe :)


Pedaling said...

What a wonderful Testimony.

Amber Julie Ann said...

Oh Sadie you are wonderful!

Pedaling said...

you know, i don't believe you'd be ALOT different, maybe just a little. you are a good girl, with many friends because you are so nice and try hard to do what is right.

Unknown said...

you are a good girl, peaches! and now from the comments i know your name is really sadie, which is one of my FAVORITE potential baby names for #3. {whenever that one comes along.} i'll bet you make your mama proud! :)

Trish said...

Good for you Peaches! I hope my daughter is like you when she grows up :)

Lulu said...

I too believe in Jesus Christ and His church.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. That's awesome!

Krista said...

nice testimony. you're super cool with a belief in Christ!

Lisa said...

I can imagine how proud your parents must be.

Lulu said...

You and your sisters and brother are great. We are so happy for you.

yeah, and your parents are ok too.